Pengaruh Tunjangan Sertifikasi terhadap Produktivitas Dosen dalam Menghasilkan Karya Ilmiah dan Penelitian

Muhardi Muhardi, Arianto Nurcahyo


The purpose of this research was to determine: (1) whether there is a
difference in the productivity of lecturers in producing scientific works and
researches before and after certification; dan (2) to the extent of which the influence
of certification benefit on the productivity of lecturer in producing scientific works
and researches. The method used in this research was survey that was limited to the
survey of sample. In determining the size of the sample of those lecturers who had
been certified, the sampling technique used was simple random sampling. According
to the purpose of this research, the data was analyzed by using a difference test and
simple regression analysis. The findings of research showed that: (1) there was a
significant difference in the productivity of lecturers in producing scientific works
and researches before and after certification; and (2) the benefit of certification has
a real influence on the productivity of lecturers in producing scientific works and
researches. Viewwed from the direction of relationship, the certification benefit has
a one-way relation with the productivity of lecturers in producing scientific works
and researches. The relationship means that the existence of certification benefit
contributed positively to an increase in the productivity of lecturers in producing
scientific works and researches.


Certification, productivity, scientific works, and researches.

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