Ani Yuningsih


ASEAN Social Cultural Community is the third pillar that becomes one of the foundations of ASEAN Community 2015. The function of social cultural community, among others, accelerate cooperation in social and cultural development. The ideal function of the ASEAN Community 2015 is comprehensive and include of various aspects, such as media practitioner interaction.

One effort to accelerate the development of a socio-cultural community is to strengthen regional identity and a collective awareness among all countries and citizens in the ASEAN region. In the international public relations perspective, the uses of media and international publicity in an integrated and sustainable are strategic tools which can be optimized.

The results show that scholars and practitioners of media, communication and international public relations have a concern for this ASEAN community. They contribute through the use of various types of media, in the form of articles in journal, media mainstream and books, opinions in print and on-line media, and recommendations from scientific discussions. In addition, there are also national and international publicity launched by media practitioners. Thoughts and publicity contents demonstrate the efforts of scholars and media practitioners to interact and communicate to build ASEAN regional identity, educate the existence of the ASEAN 2015 community, and also show the positioning of their respective countries in the ASEAN region, including to criticize the readiness of member states in realizing the ASEAN 2015 community.

The power of publicity is in its rational and emotional narrative and argumentative power, so that if used appropriately and optimally, it will foster the collective consciousness of the ASEAN community. This collective awareness will be a strong foundation in maintaining and enhancing cooperation among ASEAN community members, so as to provide fair and proportional benefits to stakeholders.