Promoting Indonesian Tourism Potential Using Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies

Hadi Suprapto Arifin, Ilham Gemiharto


As the world’s fourth-most-populous nation, Indonesia boasts unique cultures, World Heritage Sites, pristine beaches, unparalleled diving and some of the world’s rarest wildlife. Its tropical climate and balmy temperatures of between 28°C and 34°C in coastal areas with little variation from one season to the next, make the archipelagic nation an ideal beach holiday destination. The revamped Wonderful Indonesia campaign is a good start for Indonesia to begin making headway in building a national tourism brand with global and local appeal. The real impact will take some years to come into fruition, therefore the country needs to ensure that it maintains a consistent message backed up by real improvements in areas such as infrastructure and safety which are factors that are crucial in the field of marine tourism. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection technique using observation, interview, and study documents with descriptive data analysis techniques. This study examines the role of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies in promoting Indonesian tourism potential. The results indicate that integrated marketing communication strategies entirely different from the marketing of other forms of business. This is due to the nature of services offered and the competition existing in the tourism industry. There is also a noticeable need for marketing communication planning and evaluation to know where to put more efforts and which most effective communication tools to use. For instance, it was noticed that most clients are acquainted with and attracted to hotels by word-of-mouth that is friends, colleagues and peers’ recommendation. Word-of-mouth publicity is the most effective promotion tools in hospitality.


Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies, Indonesia Tourism Potentian, Promoting Tourism

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