The Roles and Functions of Social Media in The Development of Small and Medium Business Enterpreses (SMEs) In Kabupaten Bandung Barat

Asep Suryana, Uud Wahyudin


The use of social media such as facebook, twitter, line, Whatapp, instagram and others, has now spread to all levels of society. Users of social media also regardless the age Children, adolescents, adults, to the elderly, are all familiar with the communication "machine". Social media has also been widely used for various purposes by small and medium businesses (SMEs). But not yet know the extent of role and function of the media for their business.The purpose of this study is to determine the function and role of social media in the development of small and medium business (SMEs) in West Bandung regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Techniques of collecting data are by interview, observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The observation unit is 20 people.The results of the study indicate that: (1) The function of social media for SMEs is (a) introducing themselves as well as building relationships, (b) as means of information, (c) for entertainment, (d) promoting products and places of business, (e) establishing self-image and image (imaging), (f) forming public opinion. The role of social media for SMEs is to maintain community (social media maintenance), seeking to support social media endorsement, So the credibility of SMEs is increasing, creating and developing unique and interesting activities.


Social media, business, small and medium enterprises, focus group discussion.

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