Analisis Faktor-Faktor Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Pelayanan Universitas Islam Bandung sebagai Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi

Anneke Iswani, Teti Sofia Yanti


Success rate of University can be determined by many factors such as
quality of services which can be measured with student satisfaction as a customer.
Measurement of service quality is an important element to hold a better service,
more efficient and more effective. This study aims to determine the level of student
satisfaction with university services using the IPA (Importance Performance
Analysis), with a view of the five factors: tangible, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance and empathy which must be improved, the results showed tangible factors
and responsiveness to enhanced, then these factors are described in more specific
variables, and derived variables that have the greatest influence to smallest as
follows kecepattanggapan employees in resolving complaints , adequacy of class,
cleanliness in the lecture hall, the adequacy of the parking area, lecture room air
circulation , alertness lecturer in answering questions from the students, the
availability of canteen representative, kecepattanggapan employees in serving
students , lecture room tidiness , security parking lot, clean bathrooms, the alertness
of a parking attendant, the amount and quality of the seats in the lecture hall, the
adequacy of the board, the availability infocus / LCD , lighting in the lecture hall ,
appearance of neatness employees , and the availability of markers.


Importance Performance Analysis, Path Analysis, tangible , reliability , responsiveness , assurance, empathy

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