Studi Deskriptif Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Jabatan Struktrul sebagai Pucuk Pimpinan Unit Kerja di Lingkungan Unisba Ditinjau dari Aspek “Self Efficacyâ€

Yuli Aslamawati, Dudi Nasrudin Usman


Islamic University of Bandung as the Islamic College, both in the statute,
especially in terms of structural or election officials work unit leader, the leadership
of the university faculty and even open up greater opportunities for women. This
means that women are given the opportunity to represent the women that exist in the
environment work unit, so the specific needs and expectations of women in the effort
to fulfill the optimization of labor productivity can be met. Activities of this study
was to obtain empirical data relating to the image of self-efficacy of women faculty
and administrative personnel in the environment Unisba to its ability to helm unit.
This research uses descriptive method kualititative. The meter is used to describe the
behavior of Leadership Based on Integrity Taxonomy is organized using a scale
based on the theory of Yulk, 1989. The population of this study is Lecturer and Staff
of Women in Unisba. Retrieval of data with random cluster sampling, based on
existing studies program at Unisba.
Preview Self Efficacy at Lecturer / Personnel Unisba Women, it seems that a
majority of 66.7% (20 people) of the respondents (teachers / educational staff
women) have high self-efficacy. While 33.3% (10 people) of the respondents
(teachers / educational staff female) others have self-efficacy being. No one
respondent (faculty / staff's female) others have low self-efficacy. Thus, the majority
of faculty / staff's women have confidence in the ability of high kateori had to face
the task or job.
Preview dimensions of Generality in the Lecturers / Personnel Unisba Women,
shows that 53.3% (16 people) of respondents / faculty / staff's women have high selfefficacy
on the dimension of generality. While 46.7% (14 people) of respondents /
faculty / educational staff of women who have self-efficacy are the dimensions. Thus
it can be said that 53.3% teachers / educational staff women have a wide field of
behavior associated with the conviction would succeed as a working unit.


Perempuan, Self Efficacy

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