Peningkatan Komunikasi Instruksional melalui Colal Pro Method untuk Guru-Guru SMK/SMA se Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Chairiawaty Chairiawaty, Kiki Zakiah, Yenni Yuniawati


Colal Pro (Communiactive Language Learning Process) Method is the
English teaching method that focuses on the process. The process is based on (1)
life-based learning, (2) building self-confidence, (3) integrated materials, and ongoing
assessment.. The students are encouraged to be self standing and creative by
learning together in a team in which they can give feedback to one another (peerresponse),
which in turn this will create enjoyable learning atmosphere. The whole
process can be a training situation for students to practice a communicative
learning culture by. The team gave the “Colal Pro Method†training to the Teachers
of SMA/SMK around Tasikmalaya District in order that they can gain deeper
knowledge and comprehensive practice of Instructional Communication, Group
Dynamics, Intercultural Understanding, Creative Teaching, Colal Pro Method and
Techniques that somehow will be useful for them in creating ranges of learning
activities that can make students more active, creative and interactive in the more
effective, efficient and enjoyable learning climate.


Instructional Communication, Group dynamics, intercultural understanding, creative teaching, ColalProTechniques.

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