Susy Erwina


LKSA/PSAA Nugraha Bandung was established in August 1979 by Mr.M.O.Miftahudin ( Alm ). In accordance with the Minister of Social Affairs Peraturan No.106//HUK/ 2009 dated 30 September 2009. LKSA/PSAA Nugraha Bandung is a professional service agencies to provide protection and social welfare service were prepared for children without parental care or neglected children. LKSA Nugraha is the target primary care are orphans, fatherless, motherless, displaced from underpreviledge families, children who experience social problems in the family domestic  violence ), trafficking victims and street children. The main subject of interest  to do research is to investigate the implementation of social services for child welfare LKSA Nugraha. In this study, this research using descriptive method of analysis and qualitative approach. Data collection through : interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The research sample as many as 48 child care in homes consisting of middle and high school. From the samples obtained as many as 48 people just accuired as many as 34 people respondents. Research conducted at the children ( LKSA ) Nugraha Village Ciseureuh Regol District of Bandung. Implementation of social services carried out in LKSA Nugraha categorized on the criteria of moderate criteria ( total score of 1957, including  the social servives are on moderate criteria with a distance interval = 1858- 2211 ). The statement above shows that the implementation of social services are implemented to foster children categorized at moderate criteria. LKSA Nugraha expected to be more concerned with the needs of clothing, food, and shelter them during their stay in LKSA Nugraha that foster children feel more at home anymore and feel comfortable during their stay in the institution..


Social service for children welfare .

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