Effectivity of Bandung City's Regulation No.13 Year 2012 Regarding Mandatory Application of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Implementation on Public Health Sector as One of the Human Development Index in Bandung

Muhammad Rizki Jihad, Yeti Sumiyati


This particular research was initiated due to the increase of Human Development Index in Bandung which went up to 79.67 back in 2015, accompanied with Life Expectancy average that was also increased to 73.82 years which only possible to happen, thanks to the City’s Government effort in developing the quality of infrastructures and public facilities within Bandung, making the access to apply and receive Health Care easier even to the furthest corners the city has, utilizing the existing network of Puskesmas, that provides Health Care systems, namely ASKES, BPJS, JAMKESMAS, and other subsidized or free ones facilitated by Indonesia’s government. Albeit those increasing numbers, those indexes still could go even higher because the allocated budget for implementing it has been fully used to the amount of 1,490,117,500 Rupiah which supposed to push up and develop the aforementioned indexes to higher levels eventually, especially in the Public Health sector. Considering that amount of provided budget, this research is intended to review the effectivity of Bandung City’s Regulation No. 13 Year 2012 Regarding Mandatory Application of Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Implementation on Public Health Sector that affects Bandung’s Human Development Index and to evaluate the City’s Government effort in utilizing the CSR’s implementation so the optimum growth projection of Human Development Index can be reached as one of the main indicators that represent Bandung’s quality of public health sector in relation to Human Development Index. This research uses normative jurisdictive method which analyzes secondary data with the research’s analytic descriptive. The techniques of data collection used in this research are literatures and direct interviews. Data analysis method used here is qualitative, because of the author’s intent to compare articles within the bills of law. The result of this research states a total inefficiency of Bandung City’s Regulation No. 13 Year 2012 Regarding Mandatory Application of Corporate Social Responsibility, especially in improving the Public Health sector as one of the main factor of Human Development Index in Bandung, since the Substance, Structure, and Legal Culture from the aforementioned Bandung City’s Regulation of CSR don’t support each other. Governments’ effort in utilizing CSR programs from thriving corporations to improve Life Expectancy of Bandung citizens, still can be done better and in an improved manner, namely in conducting much more intense consultation, coordination, and synchronization mechanisms. The government still has to manage an active monitoring to keep the CSR programs ran properly, in conjunction with Bandung City’s Regulation No. 13 Year 2012 Regarding Mandatory Application of Corporate Social Responsibility.


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