Political Role of PKS Women Cadres, A Woman Transformation into Political Sphere

Nova Yulianti, Dede Lilis CH, Mochamad Rochim


The constelation of women role from domestic space to political sphere becomes global tendency  in many contries, including Indonesia. Indonesia’s  social politic conversion  makes representation of women being huge narration in the life of democracy. Indonesian women have full right being political actor. Then, discourse about women in politic arena also emerges the role of women and political communication. The issues of women’s representation in political party become politically inevitable, but on the other hand, women still have many obstacles. It happens due to several reasons, and the most challenging is the domestic role of women. So, they have to transform their role from domestic to public sphere, including political stage. This research try studying women’s political awareness, their motives in entering political arena and also the public impression that they must perform as represention of political party. Research used qualitative method with case study. All data were collected from 3 women cadres in Keadilan Sejahtera Party (PKS) DPC Cimahi West Java. This research has resulted some findings namely how the women cadres built political role and how they managed party impresion in public sphere.


woman transformation, democracy, political party, political communication

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