The World of Education in Media View of KOMPAS

Kiki Zakiah, Yenni Yuniati


The world of education is the field that strives to increase the awareness of the society to play the role in every aspects of life at present, and in the future through formal, informal or non-formal counseling. Therefore, the education news is very essential for us to find out the development of education world. Cross-country education news is the latest event report on education sector in a country, related with other countries and has the interest to be delivered to the society. Cross-country education news will give both information and educational functions to its readers. In macro level, the function of cross-country education news will grow harmonious relation among the countries stated in the news. The function is visible from the framework conducted by mass media towards the reality of education in Indonesia. The KOMPAS daily is the Indonesian newspaper having the headquarter in Jakarta. KOMPAS has been published since 28 June 1965. Reciting the motto “Amanat Hati Nurani Rakyat (Public Heart Trust)†KOMPAS is known as the most accurate, trustable and comprehensive information source. This research is aimed to acknowledge how cross-country education is reported by KOMPAS through constructivism approach by framing analysis technique of Robert N. Entman. Of all cross-country education news reported by KOMPAS in June 2016, there is one entitled “Studi Mahasiswa Tiongkok Terkendala Layanan Visa†(Chinese Student’s Study Is Constrained by Visa Services). This research result will show how KOMPAS performs “define problems, diagnose cause, make moral judgment and treatment recommendationâ€.


Education news, constructivism, framing, mass media function

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