Literature of Digital Media In The Environment of Household Mother In Sub District Gondomanan Yogyakarta

Dewi Novianti, Siti Fatonah


Media literacy becomes a necessity in today's information age. Especially " digital media " or “new media†is rife in use, from children to adults. For example, new media such as face book, instagram, wattshap, line, path, and others. The dangers of the media digital are the content, especially for children who do not yet understand how to read media intelligently. Most of the media content is negative which can anesthetize the audience. The biggest content content of the media is entertainment, programs that do not educate. Media put forward the entertainment programs which have less attention to ethics and community norms. They do not care about the negative impact of the broadcast program that put forward. For example: hoax news, pornography, sexuality, criminality, exploitation of women's bodies, children, bullying, advertisements that offer consumptive lifestyle, unconscientious, abusive behavior and so on. Housewives are a family milestone in charge of educating children in the family, so that this study took the subject of housewives, especially in the Ngupasan sub-district, district Gondomanan Yogyakarta. This study aims to map and socialize the ability of housewives to consume media, especially new media, then these mothers will become agents of change in their environment. The method used is content analysis, literature study, in-depth interview, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Theory used is Media Equation Theory and Media Literacy. The results of this study indicate that most housewives in Gondomanan sub-district of Jogjakarta are mostly still low-educated, and only few of them are highly educated. The housewives who were subjected to the study were undergraduate and working. They used to utilize gadgets or smartphones. They are also active in PKK and Dharma Wanita in their neighborhood, so that they can become agents of media literacy’s change. These mothers socialize media literacy in their families and neighborhoods. The result shows that they can manage the environment to be careful in consuming media, especially new media


Digital media literacy, Household Mother

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