The Net TV’s Effort On Mediation Between Government and Citizen

Siti Karlinah, Ika Merdekawati Kusmayadi, Siti Apriah


The practice of citizen journalism is an effort in delivering underground voices to be lifted to the surface. In the beginning of it emerges, the practice of citizen journalism takes place to through electronic mails and blogs. As it grows, the mainstream media such as television began to look at this practice. NET as broadcasting television media has citizen journalism program, called NET 10. NET TV here plays not only as media messages, but they also trying to mediate the government. Therefore, the video on social criticism that is sent by the citizen journalist could have attention and solution through the public affairs category.This study aims to find out (1) the policy of NET 10 program categories of Public Affairs as NET TV mediation efforts between citizens and the government. (2) The mediation process (3) the evaluation program applied NET 10 categories of Public Affairs. The method applied qualitative research with intrinsic case study approach by Robert E. Stake to the NET editorial.The results showed that NET 10 program policies Public Affairs category is a set of NET mediation efforts to unite citizens and government to create a democratic climate. While the mediation process through NET 10 program Public Affairs category may occur due to the presence of social media. Unfortunately, the evaluation showed NET 10 program categories of Public Affairs is not optimal in its efforts to mediate between citizens and the government.


Citizen Journalism, Journalist, Mediation, NET TV, Television

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