The Analysis of News Framing Of "Zero Waste" Program of The West Nusa Tenggara Government on And

Muhammad Jamiluddin Nur


Since the couple Zulkifliemansyah-Sitti Rohmi Djalilah was appointed as governor and deputy governor in 2018-2023, one of the flagship programs of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Government which is widely discussed in print and online mass media is the "Zero Waste" program. The program is what the provincial government has launched to create a waste-free NTB in 2023. This study aims to determine the online media news framing and about the program. This study uses the Pan and Kosicki analysis model while still paying attention to the elements of media ownership. This research found that there is a tendency for to give a positive and optimistic image to the success of the program. Meanwhile, tends to be skeptical and critical of the success achieved by the program. Researchers hope this research can contribute to the wealth of communication science, especially in the field of journalism. In addition, this research can also be a critical picture of the implementation of programs from local governments in this case the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government.


media, framing, zero waste

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