Health Communication; The Negotiation of Reproductive Rights in The Islamic Family in Riau Province

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The Phenomenon of marriage at such an early age in moslem family has been increased in many places in Indonesia. This enhancement has never been balanced with the knowledge of health reproductive. In fact, the maternal mortality rate and other risks of health reproductive had been increased. The purpose of this research is to analyze the negotiation in the Islamic family towards their children that are getting married. The negotiation concept of health reproductive is to see the communication activity in the family. The subject of this research is 219 people (parents and kids) in some regency in Riau province through interview. The result of this research is none moslem families that communicates to their children regarding these reproductive health issues. The first reason is because it’s still felt taboo and they will get to know about it along the way.


Health Communication, Health Reproduction, Islamic Family.

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