Communication Strategy in Product Marketing of 77speedshop and DJ Custom to Customer Through Instagram

Garda Carumna Iskayunoka, Nuriyati Samatan


The main aim of this study is to know and examine the relationship between communication strategy in 77SpeedShop and Dj Custom marketing to customer through Instagram. To achive data we make observation, interview, documentation, and purposive sampling technique. The interviewees in this case are the owner of 77SpeedShop and Dj Custom. This study used qualitative descriptive method and Constructivist paradigm method. The study finds that Harold D. Lasswell formula has been determined to this study and answering “when, how and why†questions. The result finds that 77SpeedShop and Dj Custom has credibility, 77SpeedShop as a big motorcycle accessories shop with products that have value and world class, and Dj Custom as a good body custom treatment shop, with Instagram as marketing place. These companies determined A.I.D.D.A concept to photos and unique caption at their Instagram. Also, 77SpeedShop and Dj Custom used marketing mix (4P) concept well to their business activity. Marketing mix (4P) concept proven from the determination of the goods they sell has its own value at the appropriate price and marketed through to Instagram, also motorcycle modification event as a promotion place.


Communication Strategy, Marketing, Social Media, 77speedshop, Dj Custom, Instagram.

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