Melting of Malay Cultural Identity of Official Resort In Bintan Regency Riau Island Province

Genny Gustina Sari


This research aims to identify the melting of Malay cultural identity of official resort Bintan Regency in the Riau Islands Province. By analyzing two International scale tourist attractions that is Southeast Asia's largest Outdoor Treasure Bay in the Village of Lagoi Nikoi Island and on the island of Bintan. The Riau Islands are very bold in sustaining cultural Malay but its look very contrasting with the presence of international resorts. Using Qualitative research methods and techniques of observation and in-depth interviews, this research produces conclusions about the melting of Malay cultural identity of official resort Bintan Regency in the Riau Islands. The results from the field data shows and website site had been managed very well using the full language of English and it is adjusted to the international market. Melting of Malay cultural identity for the employees of the resort become insignificant compared to the magnitude of the wages they received while working at the resort. There is a pride for the people of Riau Islands could work in the expensive resort so they do not care about the preservation of Malay culture. The fusion of the cultures can be seen from the orientation of work and physical appearance.


New Media, Cultural Identity, Bintan

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