Culture of Fanatisme In Social Media

Rachmaniar Rachmaniar


The purpose of this research is to know the fanaticism culture in social media, as observed from netizen comments over Final Debate of Jakarta’s Governor Election as appear on on YouTube uploaded by CNN Indonesia. The method used in this research is qualitative method with virtual ethnography approach. The main object of this research is the video of Final Debate. Data are gathered through participatory observation and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the netizen's fanaticism culture in providing comments represents on netizen’s trait which is divided into 6 conclusions: 1) netizens often insult the candidates that are not his choice, 2) netizens mutually insulting other netizens who support certain candidates, 3) netizens glorify the candidates of their choices, 4) netizens voluntarily describe the program of their candidate, 5) netizens questioned the program of other candidate that is not their choice, 6) netizens argue with other netizens who have different options with them.


local election, netizen, commentary, YouTube, virtual ethnography

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