Modul Program Promotif Untuk Menurunkan Intensi Melakukan Hubungan Seksual Pra Nikah Pada Remaja

Suci Nugraha, Makmuroh Sri Rahayu


The number of adolescents who engage in premarital sexual behavior is
increasing every year. According to Icek Ajzen (2005), the emergence of behavior
characterized by the intention of individuals. Individual's subjective intentions are
likely to perform a particular behavior. Intention is formed of several determinants,
such as: attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perception of behavioral
control. With the trend of increasing number of premarital sexual behavior
conducted by high school students, and the approach to prevent such activities has
been less successful, therefore it needs to do immediately interventions that really
suitable with the real determinants of the behavior. The process of designing
promotional programs are as follows: 1. Goal-setting program; 2. Determination of
program materials; 3. Determination of method Program; 4. Pilot study of the
program; 5. Evaluation plan; 6. Revision of the program. The result is a
promotional program module to reduce premarital sexual behavior among Z high
school students in Bandung, the contents are a general instructional objective: the
promotion program is expected given the intentions of students to reduce of
conducting pre-marital sexual relations. The methods used are lectures, discussions,
and activities using paper and pencil (paper and pencil activities); The time needed
to complete the whole programs are 360 minutes; The layout of the rooms used are
the chevron shape classrooms to ensure the same distance among the participants,
and it felt more effective and would be able to facilitate interaction between
participants with facilitators


Adolescene, intention, premarital sexual behavior

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