Eneng Nurlailiwangi, Lilim Halimah, Cut Asri Elisa


HIV/AIDS is a virus that can make people lose their immune system.
Impact facing people living with HIV, including physical problems, psychological,
and social. Efforts are made to reduce the impact experienced by people living with
HIV formed a support group for people living with HIV/AIDS, LSM Bandung Plus
Support in order to minimize the impact experienced by people living with HIV that
was both psychologically. The research was conducted based on the problems that
occur in the BPS, once sentenced to HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV to react
emotionall. It takes effort for people with HIV/AIDS to continue his life, where
people living with HIV are able to evaluate and provide meaning the life
experiences that can lead to people living with HIV become resigned to the situation
or try to fix things so prosperous life. The purpose of this study was to obtain
empirical data on the picture of psychological well-being in people living with
HIV/AIDS in LSM Bandung Plus Support. The reasearch was based concept of
psychological well-being theory advanced by C.D. ryff (1989). The method used in
this research is descriptive method to the study population of 19 people PLWHA.
Data collection in the form of psychological well-being questionnaire consisting of
85 items statements adaptation psychological well-being scales theory C.D Ryff.
Data obtained ordinal form of data. The results showed as much as 68.4% of
PLWHA has reached psychological well-being, and 31.6% of PLWHA has not
achieved psychological well-being.


psychological well being, PLWHA

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