Junaidi Junaidi, Abdullah Munzir, Uning Pratimaratri


This study aimed to examine the external factors of poverty fishermen in the city of Padang in poverty alleviation efforts of fishermen in terms of multi-dimensional perspective. External factors include: the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Policies, Policy Department of Marine West Sumatra province, the city of Padang, The Role of Fishery Port Bungus, TPI and PPI Role, Role Fisheries Company (PT.Dempo), The Role of Fisheries Exporter, Restaurants and Eating Roles, Role SMEs, and the Role of Institutions of Higher Education. The method used is: survey method. The data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. From the results of this study concluded that: (1) Assistance to fishermen still needed. (2) There is no cutting aid from the APBN and APBD. (3) There is no system of monitoring and evaluation assistance. (4) Nusantara Fishery Port Bungus not actively involved. (5) Fishermen can not meet the needs of fishery product processing company. (6) Infrastructure TPI still need dilengkap. (7) It is necessary to evaluate the system of export order to be able to faster process by using better technology, so that the process can be faster delivery. (8) Improved quality restaurants and eating houses in terms of food quality and menu variety continue to be a culinary tourist center of Padang. (9) Higher education cooperation LSP-KP to deliver the diploma companion in the form of certificates of competency for students, students, communities, and fisheries extension

This study aimed to examine the external factors of poverty fishermen in the city of Padang in poverty alleviation efforts of fishermen in terms of multi-dimensional perspective. External factors include: the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Policies, Policy Department of Marine West Sumatra province, the city of Padang, The Role of Fishery Port Bungus, TPI and PPI Role, Role Fisheries Company (PT.Dempo), The Role of Fisheries Exporter, Restaurants and Eating Roles, Role SMEs, and the Role of Institutions of Higher Education. The method used is: survey method. The data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. From the results of this study concluded that: (1) Assistance to fishermen still needed. (2) There is no cutting aid from the APBN and APBD. (3) There is no system of monitoring and evaluation assistance. (4) Nusantara Fishery Port Bungus not actively involved. (5) Fishermen can not meet the needs of fishery product processing company. (6) Infrastructure TPI still need dilengkap. (7) It is necessary to evaluate the system of export order to be able to faster process by using better technology, so that the process can be faster delivery. (8) Improved quality restaurants and eating houses in terms of food quality and menu variety continue to be a culinary tourist center of Padang. (9) Higher education cooperation LSP-KP to deliver the diploma companion in the form of certificates of competency for students, students, communities, and fisheries extension.


external, poverty, fishermen, policy, eksternal, kemiskinan, nelayan, kebijakan.

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