Aspek Yuridis Pembangunan Peron Tinggi di Stasiun Kereta Api sebagai Sarana Perlindungan Hukum Konsumen

M. Syamsudin


Until now there is no legislation governing standards high platform
railway development in Indonesia, both at the level of legislation, government
regulation or ministerial regulations. Therefore this study aims to formulate
standard rules on the construction of a high platform railway station as a means for
consumer protection. This research was conducted by the method of observation /
survey and interviews at the research sites that have been determined, including
Yogyakarta Tugu Station, Solo Balapan Station, Surabaya Kota Station, Semarang
Tawang Station, Palembang Kertapati Station and Jakarta Gambir Station. The
results of this study indicate the fact that in general at railway stations in Indonesia
are still using a low platform with a size of 0.25 cm s / d 0.38 cm above the railroad,
so the ups and downs of passengers is less fluent, less convenient, safe and endanger
the safety of passengers. The condition on the platform showed that low, the
passengers and pass freely across rail lines, and this is very dangerous for the
passengers to mingle with the train. This is very contrary to consumer rights as
provided for in Article 4 paragraph 2 of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection
of the right to comfort, security and safety in consuming goods and / or services. The
study recommends the need for the draft Regulation of the Minister of
Transportation on Standards Development in the High Peron Railway Station.


Peron Tinggi, Stasiun Kereta Api, Perlindungan Konsumen

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