Mohamad Satori


Every person not separated with garbage as a side effect
from their activities. Base on the physic and chemical
characteristics the garbage can be polluted to the environment if
not managed properly. Therefore the garbage must be taken
away from the environment and disposed to the disposal site.
Besides causing problems for the environment, garbage also can
give potential economic for social community. But the economic
potential from the garbage has not been utilized optimally
because people just looked the garbage as the problems for
One community of people whose will utilize the economic
potential from garbage is the community KUMB (Kelompok
Usaha Bersama) in Manis Lor Village, Kuningan. The business
activity which developed by KUMB are : garbage collection
services, composting, crushing of the plastic waste and making
handicraft. For developed of that business activity needed
assistance activity to community.
Results of training and assistance activities are increasing
knowledge and awareness the community of the environment and
then environment quality make be better. Of specific result of the
training and assistance the community of the Manis Lor Village
was produced compost, handicraft product from packaging
waste, and produced plastic as raw material for plastic recycling


garbage, environment, recycling, plastic waste, handicraft

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