Halim Zaini, Zaimahwati Zaimahwati, Said Abubakar


Aplication chemical fertilizers in the long term can damage the texture and structure of soil, pollution of the environment. The best solution is the use of organic fertilizer which can be produced independently, easy, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. The raw material consists of non synthetic organic wastes such as sawdust, agricultural waste that can be recycled with the help of EM4 activator using equipment ionasi appropriate technology in the form of a stirred tank reactor as an anaerobic process for 7-14 days. This equipment can produce as much as 150 liters of fertilizer per production period. The use of organic fertilizers can keep and maintain soil fertility and suppress or save on production costs, ultimately increasing farmer income. Evaluation shows: implementation of activities IbM lasted targeted, measurable and in accordance with their intended target where the understanding and skills as well as participants in the cultivation of organically average above 83% and as well as the application of organic fertilizers can improve the quality and quantity of horticulture crops cultivated form banana, chili, papaya, eggplant and mustard.


chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, horticulture

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