Penetapan Batas Maritim di Laut Cina Selatan Menurut Unclos 1982

Heru Priyo Prabowo, Irawati Irawati


This research is based on a dispute over the determination of boundaries between countries in the South China Sea which is currently being discussed. The authors consider the need for explanation of the legal status of the territory as specified in UNCLOS 1982 in order to clarify the extent to which the countries involved can exercise their sovereignty so that there will be no overlap of power in a territory. The overlap that occurs in the region especially between China and some ASEAN countries is feared to threaten international security and order as the conflict will continue and have negative effects not only on the disputants but also globally. In this essay, the authors will examine UNCLOS 1982 as the relevant regulation and regulate the establishment of maritime boundaries between countries and will examine the conflicts that occurred in the South China Sea associated with the legal rules in UNCLOS 1982. The method used in this study is the normative juridical method, ie research conducted by reviewing and analyzing logically relevant legal provisions through literature study of secondary data consisting of primary and secondary legal materials and interviews as secondary data support. The method of analysis used in this research is qualitative juridical method. The results conclude that China is not entitled to claim the nine dotted lines it makes in the South China Sea region because it has no juridical basis but uses only historical reasons in its foundation. In addition, the claims made by China have clearly violated some of the contents of the treaty in UNCLOS 1982 which have actually been signed and ratified by China itself. There is a need for a strong legal basis and argument for China if it wishes to maintain its claim in the region. Inter-state agreements to dispute the limits of their maritime zones are also required in the settlement of this case in order to achieve an agreement between the countries concerned.


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