Sport, Hobby, and Symbolic Communication on Local ‘Federal’ Bikers

Dian Wardiana Sjuchro, Petrus Ana Andung


Federal Bandung Indonesia (FBI) is a bicycle hobbyist community which uses Indonesia’s-federal type-bicycle. Although those type of bike is no longer in production, the FBI members keep promoting the existence of federal bicycle as Indonesian pride. This article discusses the meaning and symbolic world of FBI members. Using phenomenological method, it is found that the meaning built by members of the community referred to expression of  inclination toward  domestic products, a place to build social solidarity, a forum to accept others, and a space to strengthen their capacity. Meanwhile, in order to promote group solidarity and also to overcome the tension within the group, members of the FBI community shared fantasy themes in the form word games such as gowes, gobar, federalist, bike-pecker, bike-liwet, bike-culinary, bike-fishing, bike to work, bike to kampung, hanging out together, and TiKum. In the perspective of symbolic interaction theory, the self-concept of members of the FBI community is communicated through their declaration as community that cares for environment and loves the products of Indonesia. The use of symbols in this community within the context of symbolic convergence theory implies that FBI members seek to exchange fantasies in order to strenghten group cohesivenes.


Bike hobbyist, FBI, Community, SymbolicWorld, Meaning

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