Intercultural Communication Line Group Social Media of The Islamic Group ‘Let’s Hijrah’

Ditha Prasanti, Sri Seti Indriani


Intercultural communication occurs among people in every level of society, especially those who are involved in a group or community, and creating new values of culture. The culture developed within the group might be different from one community to another community. Gradually, the ‘new’ culture affected the process of intercultural communication among each member of the group. Such were the situation experienced by an Islamic Community which called itself ‘Let’s Hijrah’. Members of the group were originated from various areas. They interact with each other using LINE group application-- a social media. Based on this phenomena, the researchers are interested to discuss the ‘Intercultural Communication LINE Group Social Media of The Islamic Group ‘Let’s Hijrah’. The research tries to find out the intercultural communication process among members of ‘Let’s Hijrah’ Islamic community which occurred through LINE Group. The study employed an etnography virtual, with depth interview, documentation study, and observation as methods for data gathering. Results showed that the intercultural communication process in the teen Islamic community LINE group ‘Let’s Hijrah’ were consisted of verbal and non-verbal aspects. Meanwhile, factors that creates conflicts in the intercultural communication process had something to do with different perceptions and sterotypes acquired by each member.


Communication, Intercultural, Islamic Community, Let’s Hijrah

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