Developing Research Ethics In Interculture Communication Studies

Atwar Bajari


Intercultural communication research does in interaction process between researcher and society (ethnic, community, and nation) has exclusivity or uniqueness of culture. The researcher carries cultural background and research mission in one hand, meanwhile in the other hand, community or society have a different culture and information that needed by the researcher. Gudykunst and Ting-Toomey have concluded that meeting among people with different culture require complete understanding, especially in interculture perception that facilitated interaction between researcher and community. In this case, the researcher should attempt to hold norms, rule and trust principles during field research. These main principles called ethics of research. The paper tries to explain, firstly, attention to ethics in intercultural communication research. Secondly, developing responsible cultural communication research to agreed the research ethics. The formulations that can be submitted through this paper are as follows: firstly, research ethics in communication studies and intercultural communication need to be understood by the researchers. It is even has to comply with formula of research ethics in qualitative and quantitative research. Each paradigm has a different perspective on scientific truths and differences in the interests of the paradigm in conducting research. Secondly, principles such as respect for human dignity, privacy and confidentiality, justice and inclusiveness, and the benefits and disadvantages of human research, should be used as a benchmark for developing intercultural communication research ethics.


research ethics, culture, intercultural communication, quantitative research, and qualitative research

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