Planning Strategy Branding Mp-Asi Health Organization Bandung 2017

Susanne Dida, Yanti Setianti, Cyntia Dewi Anggraini


MPASI Program is a Bandung Health Service program that has not conducted branding activities. This research used Doctrine Brand Strategy theory from Duane E. Knapp. The results of this study showed that the orientation of the MPASI Program socialization conducted by Bandung City Health Office is a nutrition program that has been done before. Health Office of the city has not maximized in implementing its branding MPASI program, so it requires a planning to perform branding MPASI program. Head of Health Division of Bandung City itself realized the importance of branding activities for the program, but unfortunately these activities have not been implemented optimally.


Branding, Doctrine Brand Strategy, Brand Knowledge, MP-ASI

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