Scouting Journey: Experience and Future Direction

Stephani Raihana Hamdan, Yulianti Yulianti, Dian Widya Putri


Pramuka Indonesia is a scouting organization that has the largest member in the world. Scouts are considered as an ideal youth education and in 2013 became a compulsory extracurricular in primary and junior high school. Cub Scout and Boy Scout groups are the groups with the highest number. This study aims to get an overview of Indonesian Rover Scout members’s journey from experience and future direction. The method used is qualitative with data collection using FGD. The FGD was conducted on 7 members from various high schools. From the results it was found that they became scout members preceded by mandatory factors. But they become actively interested due to several factors such as outdoor activity, cool uniforms and good Scout Master. Things that drives them to continue to be Rover Scout is because they are used to being active and want to apply scouting. In case of future direction of scouting, its shows a tendency to discontinue to be scouts members. All female members stated there was no intention to continue scouting. In the late teens, Pramuka must demonstate the activity that spark the members’s interest in scouting not only joint because of the mandatory factors


Scouts, Pramuka, Experience, Indonesia, Future.

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