Effectiveness of KFC Marketing Through Instagram on Consumer Interest in Depok City

Fadel Bahruraji, Nuriyati Samatan


At this time, many companies are maximizing their marketing through social media so that it can ultimately make the company grow and obtain targeted results in sales. This study aims to examine how the Effectiveness of KFC Promotion Through Instagram on Buying Interest. The method used is quantitative, with descriptive-verification analysis method, useful for describing and analyzing research results. Analysis is used to prove the hypothesis that has been built. The results of this study indicate, the level of effectiveness of marketing conducted by KFC through Instagram is very high, through data processing which is positive and includes all promotional activities, both in the field of advertaising and promotion on Instagram. Indicators carried out in this study to measure the level of effectiveness is to discuss the time and cost of consumer buying interest.


Effectiveness, Marketing, KFC, Instagram, Purchase Interest

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