Communication and Organizational Approach Towards Development of Islamic Organization

Iwan Koswara, Fitri Perdana, Santi Susanti


Human communications is so important that without it, the human life itself will not be meaningful, or even human beings itself will not survive. (Wright (1985:14). Likewise in an organization, communication becomes the most important part in connecting and generating performance between sections within the organization. With no exception, the process of communication in the organization of Islamic Unity (PERSIS), will have to involve its members to exchange messages in accordance with targets and organizational goals. To achieve organizational goals, it is inseparable with how the formation of Organizational Culture that runs in it. Robbins, in Sopiah (2008: 128) says that Organizational Culture refers to a system of shared meanings were embraced by its members. Based on this case, this study seeks to see how far communication and organizational culture run by members of Bandung Islamic Union in the development of organization. Qualitative method is used as a method, with case study as an approach, through data extracting, source triangulation, analysis and abstraction of field data. The results showed that; the ongoing organizational communication has contributed to the organizational culture process, in both of which are interconnected, organizational communication has instilled and fostered the organizational culture taking place in it.


Organizational Communication, Organizational Culture, Islamic Unity

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