Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Sirsak Jangka Panjang Menyebabkan Cedera Jaringan Hati yang Bersifat Reversibel

Meta Syafitri, Maya Tejasari, Cice Tresnasari


Hati dapat mengalami kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh obat-obatan (drug-induced liver injury). Tanaman sirsak banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan sebagai antioksidan, antitumor, antimikrob, dan antiparasit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perubahan morfologi jaringan hati tikus pada pemberian ekstrak daun sirsak jangka panjang. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan 28 ekor tikus jantan galur Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang terbagi dalam empat kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol positif dan tiga kelompok perlakuan dengan dosis ekstrak daun sirsak 20, 40, dan 80 mg/kgBB yang diberikan selama 60 hari. Semua perlakuan diberikan secara oral. Seluruh kelompok kemudian dikorbankan dan diambil organ hatinya, kemudian dibuat sediaan histopatologi dan dilihat menggunakan mikroskop cahaya. Parameter yang diukur adalah hepatosit yang membengkak. Hasil penelitian didapatkan jumlah hepatosit rata-rata yang membengkak pada tiap-tiap perlakuan sebanyak 40,00; 73,86; dan 175,29 per lapang pandang. Data dianalisis dengan uji one-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji post-hoc. Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,0001; p<0,05) dan pemberian ekstrak daun sirsak jangka panjang dosis 80 mg/kgBB menunjukkan pembengkakan paling banyak. Hal tersebut disebabkan bioaktivitas obat menjadi metabolit reaktif yang berinteraksi dengan makromolekul seluler sehingga menyebabkan disfungsi mitokondria dan gangguan produksi ATP. Simpulan, pemberian ekstrak daun sirsak jangka panjang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan hepatosit yang membengkak.

Liver disease caused by a variety of factors, one of the most common factors is drug (drug-induced liver injury). Soursop plants are widely used as medicines such as antioxidants, antitumors, antimicrobials and antiparasites. The aim of this study is to determines the morphological changes of rat’s liver system by giving soursop leaves extract to rat’s liver in the long term. This research used 28 rats against Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) which divided into four groups: positive control group (normal) and three treatment groups with dosage soursop leaf extract of 20, 40, and 80 mg/kgBW given over 60 days. All treatments are administered orally. After 60 days of treatment, the rats were sacrificed and the liver was taken, then the histopathologic preparations were made and viewed using a light microscope. Parameter that was measured in this research is the increase of hepatocytes volume. The result obtained that the average number of hepatocytes swelling each treatment about 40,00; 73,86; and 175,29 per point of view. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA test and continued by post-hoc test. The different significant was found (p=0,0001; p<0,05) and the giving of soursop leaf extract in the long-term with 80 mg/dose kgBW showed the most increasing of hepatocytes volume. This case is caused by the creative metabolites of bioactivities drugs that interact with cellular macromolecules causing mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired production of ATP. The conclusion of this study is the giving of soursop leaf extract to the rat’s liver in the long-term influence the increasing of hepatocytes.


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P-ISSN 2597-5013 | E-ISSN 2597-5021